
We would like to thank both our corporate and individual sponsors for their generous support. We encourage you to support these local companies.

All sponsor levels receive year-round thank-you posts on all social media, including logo and link to their business page, as well as a video presentation of the event. Christmas For Kids sponsors who give at the Friends or Co-Sponsor levels receive the following benefits:

Co-Sponsors ($5,000+)

Frank Parker and Family Foundation

The George Fisher Family Trust

Friends Of Christmas For Kids ($500+)

Gerald Koll

Michael Maria

James & Jean Doane

Jeanne Crouch

Bruce Fraser

Christmas for Kids Foundation

8645 SW Homewood St.
Portland, OR 97225

Phone: 503-875-0929
Fax: 503-241-6060

Christmas for Kids Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) Charitable Organization


Sponsor a Child’s Christmas Today