About Us
Christmas for Kids
Christmas for Kids is a magical annual event where local kids in extreme need are hand-selected by their school counselors. The child then joins a volunteer shopper and they check off a Christmas list mostly comprised of basic clothing needs for the kid and their immediate siblings.
A combination of donated funds, donated items (coats, books, hygiene items, etc.), vastly reduced prices, and volunteer contributions create a unique situation where 97¢ of every $1.00 donated is spent on the child.
These are the kids most in need, being treated to a day they will never forget, receiving items they greatly need.
Donate Today
Christmas for Kids is only possible through generous donations from people like you. Every dollar donated, through matching donations of cash and goods, results in almost $3 in value. Please take a moment and make a donation of any size. It means the world to these kids.
How You Can Help
We have never had a greater need than what we are currently facing. Christmas for Kids is adding school districts and doing our best to extend this day to more kids. With the expected increase in kids this year, we need to raise $75,000 in cash contributions to allow us to leverage this for over $145,000 in value delivered.
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Christmas for Kids Foundation
8645 SW Homewood St.
Portland, OR 97225
Phone: 503-875-0929
Fax: 503-241-6060
Christmas for Kids Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) Charitable Organization